Here's the secret to writing (and creating) that trumps all other hacks...

It occurred to you just now that you need to write.

Your audience waits.

The algorithm licks its dusty lips.

Your sense of obligation and life fulfilment depends on you sitting, doing and publishing.

You shuffle over to your standing desk, drink in hand.

Look at you, all cool and trendy.

But you haven't created a thing.

The clock on the wall ticks in thuds.

But you don't panic; you take a breath.

Remember what Internet dude Alex said:

Just write tiny.


Write a bad tweet.

Now you have a bad tweet.

Now refine that tweet so it passes the first test.

Do it again. Three times.

Now you have three ideas. This is fodder.

Expandable fodder.

Make one line five lines. Now you're a builder, a writer and a tweeter all in one.

Ideas are coming quick and easy, like bright meteorites in a dusk sky.

You're in a state to write. But it needn't be big.

Write small. An upgrade from tiny.

Ten lines are all you need, but first, focus on getting something down - anything.

Write a tiny article. Inevitably the thing will go further than you knew.

Your fingers are dancing on keys, and a smile is forming.

Shorten it or leave it long. It's up to you.


This is all you need to do.

Want to build an online personal brand people love? Follow my newsletter (where this was originally published) for tips, at ‘Mastery Den’ today:

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


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