Using our innate intelligence to do what we LOVE

There's a lot to gain by listening to our innate and creative intelligence that shows up when we still our thoughts.

I've spent my whole life thinking too much, so this has become revelatory for me over recent years.

Ask yourself daily, what would I love to create today...this month, this year...?

Powerful stuff.

If you want to develop your passion, grow your brand and make money from your knowledge, you'll want to join my newsletter at: (I updated the brand recently)

DM or email me via my website for questions and if you want to speak about a challenge I can help you with.

My website:

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


What if you aren't making any MONEY doing what you love?


How to overcome negative obsessive thoughts (not meditation)