16 subtle ways you lose her attraction, bro

Buckle in; it’s time for me to lose followers, so you don’t lose her attraction, bro.

Most men are suffering deeply, completely invisible to women because they were denied these lessons from absent men.

All the tips here are informed by years of awkward dates, some painful breakups, lots of mutual enjoyment with women, and hours of study.

I’ll be the first to admit I was a nerd at this stuff when I was young.

Yes, this stuff is learned and not natural for most men.

Here are 16 ways you lose her attraction for you:

Being too nice.

She knows when you’re faking nice to manipulate her into getting something, brother.

Forget what mama told you, and treat her as you would your cool little sister.

Being above the superficial.

Don’t skimp on caring for your appearance, physical fitness, and the tiny details.

Become Chad. She will be looking at your dirty fingernails, even if you’re oblivious to it.

Taking her too seriously.

She’s a human. Not a ‘princess,’ and certainly not above you. You want to meet her as an equal on the other end of a wide spectrum.

Find what it is you love about humanity and femininity, and see it in her. Connect with her at the soul level, beyond all your personal judgements.

This is how you bond, and she will find this attractive.


Women go through life picking up many men for whom she has no attraction, that she keeps around for other forms of platonic support.

They are her knights in shining armour and hang around in bated expectation.

Unless it’s a win-win relationship, don’t neuter yourself like that. Attract her, work with her, or bounce.

Never touching.

Masculine, confident men touch appropriately. No touching and any initial attraction you had will fade into dust.

She will see you like she does ‘Nathan from Accounts.’

Accept any drama from her.

Women thrive on the wide range of emotions they feel throughout the day. If they have too much of one thing for too long, they get bored.

They will often want to start drama for thrills and to test you.

React in any way, and you lose respect instantly. Ignore, tease, and you will remain attractive — a masculine rock.

Bringing your drama.

Bringing complaint or drama into your interactions with her is equally unattractive.

She doesn’t want to see your pains, nor does she want to hear about your losses. She certainly doesn’t want to see you cry. Save this for your boys.

Too much emotion.

She may be in her element in her symphony of emotions, but you need to reinforce how different you are in this way.

You don’t smile at everything. You don’t openly brood or take things personally.

Leave this to her White Knights. Your emotional range is narrow and mysterious. Mystery and emotional solidity is attractive.

Being asexual.

Men who are confident in their masculinity are willing to enter into innuendo and sexual topics at the right moments during conversation.

If this is totally absent, this creates a reality for her that you are not a red-blooded sexual man. Attraction go bye bye.

Being too available.

Being there for every text, nodding to her every word, and making it evident that she’s your number one priority is your one-way ticket to FriendsVille.

You’re busy, focused on your mission, and have many, many options.

Using her dating advice.

Women generally have an extremely poor perception of what is required of men to gain her attraction. Just ask her and try not to laugh.

Ask for her advice (except on fashion and appearance), and do the opposite.

Never challenging her.

So many men lose hard by never straying from being in total agreement with everything she says and does.

Attractive men challenge her ideas occasionally and aren’t afraid to call her out gently.

They are comfortable teasing. She’s attracted to this because she grows as a human and enjoys herself when she’s with you.

Talking more than her.

Women love to have our attention on them.

The more you talk, the more you take this joy from her, and the fewer positive feelings she will have.

Yapping about everything dissolves all the mystery you had that strengthens attraction, and it makes you look like a girl.


It might be tempting to reveal your achievements to impress.

This will generally work against you because it comes across as insecure. Bring good questions and be entertaining instead.

Talking about unnecessary shit.

Leave religion, politics, financial charts, and car mechanics out of your conversations. Straying into anything dry or controversial immediately puts you at significant risk of a slap, let alone a loss of attraction.

Forcing ‘alpha.’

Many guys overcompensate for their small peepee and try to be too ‘masculine’ or ‘alpha.’

They get self-conscious, overly serious, avoid sharing anything remotely vulnerable, and come across as insecure.

Be loose, be kind, show some flaws, genuinely enjoy her company, and be human.

Becoming attractive isn’t a devious act.

To see yourself as ‘above’ learning how it works is to be ‘above’ bringing the sexes together in a positive and healthy way.

We need each other, and this bond is strengthened through attraction.

Thank you for sharing this with your fellow brother who needs it.

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