5 simple changes that will make your life 10X more enjoyable

We have the power to change our perspective and thus behaviour instantly.

I’ve always said that our experience of life depends entirely on how we see things.

When we do, our experience can instantly change.

When we find ways to enjoy life, we have more energy, are more creative, enjoy other people more, and we enjoy better health.

Here are some examples of how I apply this in my life and how I remind my clients to do the same:

Make a game of it

Any dull work assignment can be made into a game. Just by deciding to play, it becomes fun. Time yourself to do it as fast as you can.

Track your progress. Beat your personal best. Find a partner. How many cracked tiles do you count on your walk to work? Stop being a dull adult.

Find one beautiful thing in others

A quick way to misery is to see yourself as isolated and disconnected from other people.

Instead of nurturing a judgemental habit, find things you like about people. Your heart will open, and you will see and feel how we are all connected.

Decide to enjoy it, no matter what it is

Today, your task is to bring full enjoyment to an activity you usually dislike, like doing the dishes.

You can enjoy it when you slow down and immerse yourself in a task. You will realise your power when you see that enjoyment is something that you deliver, not what the world gives you.

Choose to be curious about everything

Most of us experience life as dull because at some point we’ve said to ourselves: ‘ok, I’ve seen it all — there’s nothing else to see or find.’

Welcome to DullVille Central.

Those who enjoy life see no end to the beauty in the small details; the paths not yet discovered; how a city looks in a new light after the rain. You are an explorer.

Develop a deeper relationship with your quiet voice

We have two voices.

Our loud personal egoic voice — the one that’s usually calling you dumb and helps you plan stuff.

There’s another, less-known voice that is barely audible, but you can hear it when you are still, and your mind is at rest.

You know this voice because it delivers insights when you least expect them. Life becomes more enjoyable when we connect with that little voice more often.

‘Wisdom is available every day… if you can hear it.’ ~Syd Banks

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