How not to be jaded as life goes on


Do you know people who seem jaded as life goes on?

The more challenges they go through; the more time passes, the more they seem to lose that spark?

When we experience the world around us, it can very often seem like external things have the power to take something from us.

Dreadful news, the economy, trauma, mounting bills, familial stress, being repeatedly rejected; time itself.

Humans use clever metaphors to emphasise the sense that circumstances can steal from us:

‘It took a lot out of me,’ like we physically lose something to the ether.

‘I am drained of energy,’ as though energy that leaves us cannot be replaced.

‘I feel burnt out,’ as though we are a filament with a shelf life.

But is it true that things deplete us and dim our light?

In a very physical sense, we exert energy, yes.

But I now know that for as long as I am alive and as long as I refuel myself physically, life cannot take anything from me.

It really can’t.

We all have a flow of energy running through us, animating us. It is the same energy of aliveness that runs through all alive things.

It is an unchanging and perpetual and intelligent energy. Nothing in our circumstances can touch that purity of energy, no matter how ugly.

When a perceived stressor like bad news makes us feel low, do we feel stress because of the news, or do we feel it because of our thinking at that moment?

Having learned about the direct link between our thinking and what thinking feels like, I know that there is nothing external of me that can dictate how I feel.

Even if that looks very real to us.

We create our entire experience from within.

We live in the feeling of our thinking.

Life cannot drain us.

It can’t because we are aliveness by default.

In a mind-bending way, we are everything.

Nothing can take that away from us. We can only trick ourselves into thinking that it can.

We think ourselves stressed.

Really seeing this changed my life.

It meant that no matter what happened in my life, I could always choose to let go of the thinking around what it all meant.

When I let go and was present — that’s when I could tap into that default joy and aliveness already inside me.

All I needed to do to return to aliveness was…absolutely nothing.

I didn’t need to think positive thoughts to be happy.

I didn’t need to ‘sort myself out.’

I simply needed to BE.

Even if my bank balance was close to zero.

Even if Jessy rejected me on Tinder.

I could still thrive in that moment because my understanding of who I was had changed.

I was pure, imperturbable energy.

When we can continually reconnect with that innate energy, wisdom and intelligence, we are best able to do what we need to do given what is happening around us.

That’s when we are most resourceful and best able to do incredible things.

We don’t need to lose.

We don’t need to become increasingly jaded as life goes on.

We can turn to creativity at every step.

The more we do this, the more we see who we truly are:


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Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


The art of present, thorough and enjoyable work


Don’t DO what you love; BE what you love